It took about 12 hours for the photos to upload, but they're all there now. I've separated out the first week into a separate group to make them a little more manageable, since there are over 400. I've also added basic labels in case you want to try and match up photos with the stories herein.
Today in Yaounde was an interesting experience. First, we were driven to the bank to cash our first paychecks (we get paid three months at a time) and to another bank to open accounts. I didn't open an account here, since I'll be doing that in Edea (we have a Credit Lyonnais). After that, we went looking for a refrigerator for Michelle. We went up and down the main appliance street bargaining until we were satisfied we found the best deal. We haggled a bit longer, and ended up with a lovely new refrigerator (relatively small) for about $250. We then put Michelle on the train to the Adamoua, 14 hours away with her new fridge, bike and the rest of the stuff she'll need for the next three months, when we're allowed to travel again. Now, I'm getting ready to help Carolyn move to Akonolinga tomorrow morning. Another adventure awaits!
Pardon, ou est le WC, sil vous plait?
Goings on, thoughts and observations on the personal adventure that is my Peace Corps experience in Cameroon
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