Thursday, October 14, 2004

Naked Cats - more books

'Cat's Eye' - Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood, the author of 'A Handmaid's Tale', threw me for a loop. I looked at the cover, a rather sureal monk hovering over a bridge holding a large blue sphere. I had a recommendation from a friend (actually its her copy), and I wanted to read something a little on the fantastic side. Well, I can tell you that 'Cat's Eye' the book was interesting and even good, but it wasn't what I was expecting. It was a memoir of an artist (one of the paintings described within is on the cover) looking back on her life, and therefore her influences. Its certainly a story about women, probably written for women, but I liked in nonetheless. If you're a woman, it'll probably hit home, hittin? all the themes?of friendship, alienation, puberty, relationships gone wrong, and all the rest. What I liked is that she wasn't bitter about anything, it was just her life, and without it she wouldn't be who she is in the end.

'Naked Prey' - John Sandford

A summer beach book in the best way, 'Naked Prey' lives up to its billing. Its fast, interesting, scary, and really hard to put down -to the point at which I slept little during the two nights it took me to finish the book. John Sandford has written a whole series of 'Prey' books, and this is the first I've had a chance to read. I'll tell you that the next time I'm in Wal-Mart looking for a bestseller to read on the plane or at the swimming pool, I'll pick up another. It reads like a movie in your mind, and there's not much chance that you'll guess the twists and turns in this murder mystery until it happens.


At October 16, 2004 at 2:55 AM, Blogger Travelgurl said...

"A Handmaid's Tale" is one of my all time favorite books. Granted, I am a chick, but I think it would have impact on any reader.



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